About (CARE)

Around July, 2015 few closely interrelated initiatives and programs (including Spark) were merged together to create one behemoth with the name of Center for Applied Research and Entrepreneurship (CARE). Microscopically, CARE has been entrusted with two long term missions – to promote culture of undergraduate (UG) research and to promote entrepreneurship.

The concept of UG research is slightly different than the conventional definition of research whose objective is to create new technologies in order to solve real world problems. On the other hand the former is more concerned about finding out solutions by innovative use of existing technology. The former type of research is also characterized by its focus on creating products or services that are either commercially viable or socially useful.

Under the first mission CARE aims at creating a culture (and a supporting ecosystem) wherein students are prompted to conceive and implement innovations and in the process learn various applied aspects of existing technologies. The second mission statement takes this pursuit to a more serious level. While tinkering with various technologies it is quite likely to come across some really big idea. Under the second mission CARE intends to create a supporting infrastructure that helps those big ideas to become commercially viable business entities.